Your Emotions Matter

It's funny how life tends to focus on themes at times. It's come up for me a LOT lately-- working with clients, my continuing clinical education, new research studies, and even a class on emotions offered at my church!

It’s the truth that our connection with our emotions is vital to our overall physical health AND the health of our relationships.

For a long time in many different circles we've been told our feelings aren't trust-worthy. We've been told not to believe what we feel, that any displays of emotions are unstable and to be avoided.

This advice, whether it came from church, or parenting "experts", or even the political realm, is just plain wrong.

Emotions are signals, just like pain or reflux or sleepiness, to give us information about what is happening to us. Emotions are ALSO mechanism to PROCESS what is going on inside us and all around us.

This is the work of our generation: for women AND men-- to undo the bad reputation that has been given to our emotional selves, to better integrate our "feelings" with the rest of us, and to understand how to connect deeply with the emotions of others.

Are you looking for help connecting YOUR emotional life to the rest of you? To understand how emotions that feel too big or too small or too overwhelming may be signals your body is sending you, begging you to address? This is a big part of what holistic healthcare is about-- Integrating you as a whole person, to be wholly well.

Get in touch to talk more about what this kind of care can look like for you!


You are a whole person