Feed Your Soul

As I began my own practice and settled on a name, Nourish Body Mind and Soul, this phrase sang around in my head. What I heard was a song I’ve loved for 10 years by Christa Wells. “Why have I gone hungry in a land of plenty…..If you are empty and you want to be whole….Feed your soul…Hope born of promise….That will not disappoint….That will not end in shame…You've got to cultivate the taste….For the rich and true….For the goodness you Have always craved….Feed your soul….”

Those lines have been singing louder lately. So as I work to help so many recover their health and take steps to being WHOLE…. this is such a large and true piece of the puzzle. As we learn to better nourish our bodies we must also focus on the soul. The Soul is the part of us that makes us who we are. Digging in deep to truth is what FEEDS us. TRUTH is what sets us free. He has always been my first and truest love, the Father, the Creator. He is what sustains us. So I humbly submit that if you want to fill those empty spaces and you want to be TRULY whole, we can walk that path together.


Your Emotions Matter